Do you love Nct 127? Do you believe there's no other K-pop group better than Nct 127? Do you also believe that Nct 127 deserves an EGOT just for their mere existence?Then you're at the right place!Welcome to Surreal NCT 127 clips, where you can find cute, funny and completely surreal clips of nine men of TALENT!This account is just for fun, hence, the deranged, exaggerated, obvious captions you get alongside the clips.I usually tweet 127 clips, but some other members may also make a few appearances within those clips :DWith that being said, I'd like to address a few things:1. No hate of any kind will be tolerated. If any fan wars are being started in the QRTs or the replies to my tweet, best believe, I WILL be blocking you. If a clip para-socially offends you, please feel free to DM me about it instead.2. On a lighter note, DMs are open! Please send me your favorite 127 clip and I will tweet it with a silly caption. Hopefully, it'll make your and everyone else's day <33. I'm just one admin running this account and English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes you come across :D


1. This account is heavily inspired by @surrealnctloops :D I do not run that account or any other 'surreal accounts' you come across. I only run Surreal127clips and will continue to do so. We are all different owners of different accounts.2. A lot of these captions will be very obvious, goofy and would not make sense most of the time but it's all for comedic purposes (I feel like this rn typing this out 🤓☝🏽).3. I usually tweet what others send me via DMs, if there is something that I have tweeted wrongly feel free to correct me also via DMs.with all of that out of the way, if you've made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS! you are the true definition of a 127zen (to me at least!) Click the #1 best most adorable ilichil pic below for a silly little quiz to enjoy: